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Crown XTi Series 6002

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Crown XTi Series 6002
Product Details
Brand: Crown

    Crown XTi 6002 2-Channel Power Amplifier Details
    There’s no debate – when you choose Crown’s XTi 2 Series, you’re choosing one of the most powerful and innovative amplifiers on the market today. That’s because the all-new XTi 2 Series amps continue to set the standard for unmatched performance and value, delivering the goods night after night without breaking a sweat.

    Crown XTi 6002 2-Channel Power Amplifier Features
    Peakx Plus Limiters provide the ultimate in system performance and protection by allowing full control over threshold, attack, and release
    Enhanced Subharmonic Synth section provides user control over frequency, gain and filter type for system-specific tuning
    3 User-defined fan mode controls – normal, early and fullspeed – for matching fan performance to a specific application
    New system monitoring provides software visibility of AC line voltage and power supply temperature
    Integrated cast-aluminum handles for easy handling and enhanced durability
    Locking power cord clip provides a secure connection between the amplifier and power cord
    Updated HiQnet Band Manager and System Architect control software
    Increased number of presets to a total of 50; 49 of which are user definable

    Crown XTi 6002 2-Channel Power Amplifier Specifications
    Integrated Processing
    Input EQ: 6 parametric filters per channel with adjustable Q, ±15 dB boost/cut. Also adjustable high and low shelving filters. This 8-filter EQ section can be bypassed.
    Crossover Filters: Highpass and Lowpass per channel. Butterworth 6/12/18/24 dB per octave. Linkwitz-Riley 24/48 dB per Octave. Also includes ± 15 dB bandpass gain and polarity control.
    Output EQ: 8 parametric filters per channel with adjustable Q, ±15 dB boost/cut. This 8-filter EQ section can be bypassed.
    Delay: For signal alignment of driver; 50 mS of total delay.
    SubHarmonic Synth: Takes the low-frequency content of the input signal and “synthesizes” a new signal that is the same as the input signal but one octave lower. The new synthesized signal is then mixed with the original signal to create the effect. New: Users now have control over frequency, gain, and filter type.
    Peakx Plus Limiter: User defeatable limiter that allows users to control Threshold, Attack, and Release times.
    Presets: 50 total presets, 49 of which are user-definable.
    Level: Two front-panel rotary level controls, one for each channel
    Power Switch: On/Off switch applies AC power to the amplifier
    Sel/Prev/Next Buttons: Three buttons near the LCD screen that are used to access menu items and front panel lockout
    LCD Screen: Backlit liquid crystal display that shows preset and processing status

    Input/Output Connectors
    Input Connectors: XLR, one per channel
    Link/Out Connector: Loop-thru signal from input connector for linking another amplifier, one per channel.
    Output Connectors: Two Neutrik Speakon NL4MP output connectors. Channel-1 Speakon is wired with Ch. 1 and Ch. 2 outputs for use with optional single 4-conductor cable. Two binding post outputs (in parallel with Speakon connectors).
    HiQnet USB Connector: Type B, connects to HiQnet network.
    Chassis: Steel
    Front Panel: Cast-aluminum
    Cooling: Proportional speed fan with front-to-rear airflow.
    Dimensions: 19″ (W) x 3.5″ (H) x 16.2″ (D)
    Net Weight: 24.0 lbs (10.9kg)

Since 2004, MIC18 has been selling professional audio products in Hong Kong.

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產品包括: 錄音器材 / 拍攝收音 / PA 系統

服務對象: 個人零售 / 音響出租公司 / Event 公司 / 批發業務

服務地區: 香港及澳門 | We serve in Hong Kong & Macau

Shure 產品 (香港/澳門) 代理商

Harman 產品 (香港/澳門) 代理商: JBL / Crown

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Room 10, 7th Floor, Vanta Industrial Centre,21-33 Tai Lin Pai Road,Kwai Hing, NT, Hong Kong

0930 - 7pm

0930 to 5pm

Sunday / PB
