MIC18 富強公司 | 富強 Pro Audio PA

Pro Audio / 錄音器材 / 零售批發 / Shure 產品 (香港及澳門) 代理商 / Harman 產品 (香港及澳門) 代理商: JBL 及 Crown / QSC 香港代理

發售及安裝各類 PA系統

Crown CDi 4000 amplifier

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Crown CDi 4000 amplifier
Product Details
Brand: Crown

Crown CDi Series amplifiers are professional tools designed and built for installed sound applications. The series includes four models which are identical except for output power: CDi 1000, CDi 2000, CDi 4000, and CDi 6000. All are rugged and lightweight, and offer unmatched value in their class.

Extremely versatile; rated for 2-, 4-, 8-ohm loads and 70V and 140V outputs.
Switch-mode universal power supply.
Intuitive front-panel LCD screen for quick, easy configuration.
Onboard digital signal processing includes crossovers, EQ filters, delay, and output limiting.

Since 2004, MIC18 has been selling professional audio products in Hong Kong.

About Us

Professional audio shop in Hong Kong.  

產品包括: 錄音器材 / 拍攝收音 / PA 系統

服務對象: 個人零售 / 音響出租公司 / Event 公司 / 批發業務

服務地區: 香港及澳門 | We serve in Hong Kong & Macau

Shure 產品 (香港/澳門) 代理商

Harman 產品 (香港/澳門) 代理商: JBL / Crown

門市 / Shop Address


Room 10, 7th Floor, Vanta Industrial Centre,21-33 Tai Lin Pai Road,Kwai Hing, NT, Hong Kong

0930 - 7pm

0930 to 5pm

Sunday / PB
